ACI unterstützt Kastrationsprojekt in Bulgarien

ACI hat das KASTRATIONSPROJEKT, das DIANA DIMOVA in bewundernswerter Weise in Bulgarien organisiert und durchgezogen hat, unterstützt!

Bitte lest ihr DANKESCHÖN auszugsweise im Original!


My dear friends,
It is never too late to say Thank you to someone, that helped you out in times of need.  The Spayathon was a huge success, as 222 animals were spayed, and they will never reproduce again. The most important for me is, that the dream team promised to come back in september, and I dare to believe from now on, such events will be held in my town twice a year – spring and fall. This means a lot to me, because enjoying the confidence of International charity is really important …

I know that without the help of all of you it wouldn’t be possible to succeed and thus I say you are a part of this success. Thank you for trusting and supporting me. To rescue poor stray animals and to re-home them is something I will do till I can but the cause I fight for is more than that. Educating people and organizing such events has more significant impact and helps to solve the problem with the overpopulation of stray animals much more. I hope, that with your support we will be able to organize many more Spayathons, because I am only a small part of a big family that makes this possible.
I need your help and I truly believe, I will enlist you for my cause.

A big shout out THANK YOU to all of you and God bless you and your beloved!

If you wait until you can to do everything for everybody instead of doing something for somebody, you may end up doing nothing for nobody