Alberto und Tin
sind zwei Kater, die einst ein monatelanger Aufenthalt in der Tierklinik in Sarajevo, in die sie beide durch voneinander unabhängige schwere Unfälle gekommen sind, zusammen geschweißt hat. Ihr Leben hing mehr als nur einmal am berühmten „seidenen Faden“, und ACI entschloss sich, nachdem das Ärgste durchgestanden war, die beiden nach Österreich zu holen, um hier nach einem guten Zuhause Ausschau zu halten.
Lange hatte es gedauert, bis alle gesundheitlichen Probleme, die besonders noch Tin zu durchleiden hatte, bereinigt waren, doch nun steht einem glücklichen Katzenleben hoffentlich nichts mehr im Wege.
In diesem Zusammenhang bedanken wir uns bei der PFOTENZONE- UNTERSIEVERING und bei unseren SPENDERN, die es ermöglicht haben, dass speziell Tin jene medizinische Versorgung erhielt, die er so dringend benötigt hatte.
Und danke an Melanie und Ihren Mann, die die beiden Tiere so liebevoll betreuen und versorgen!
Hier noch ein paar Zeilen von Melanie, der Katzen- Mutti:
Dear Animalcare-International Team!
My name is Melanie G. and I am writing you, because me and my boyfriend, we took care of two of your sweethearts in may this year: Tin and Alberto! They are both doing great and I think they are very happy! But as you can see on a few pictures, poor Tin has a few rough weeks behind him. Unfortunately he developed a benign tumour on his old wound and therefore he needed to get surgery! It went all well, even better than expected. But not enough we also diagnosed an autoimmune disease: socalled gingivitis. Because of that, he also had serious problems with his mouth, gingiva and teeth and sufferd from pain. Poor little guy….
Nevertheless today I can tell you that together with the wonderful team of „Pfotenzone“, Dani and Angie, we got this problem under control. He is able to eat normally and already gained 0.5kg since his surgery.
Alberto in addition was and still is of best health condition and is a very supportive and caring „big brother“. They love to snuggle and play together and Bertl, thats what we like to call him, still looks out for his little Buddy in every way: washing his face, playing, comforting him, especially after vet-visits…
So that was our first update in how they are both doing. I hope I can send you more pictures and maybe a few videos soon!
All the best!