Grosse Säuberungsaktion von Streunern geplant

Tierschützer in SARAJEVO wehren sich gegen die geplant Säuberungsaktion!

Unter ihnen waren auch Father Anthony, Goga und Matea zu finden, die gegen das Massentöten protestierten.

Dearest Renate,

Here are some pics and a text from the demonstation against the killing of the stray dogs in Sarajevo.

Yesterday 25. July, 2016. Animal rights activists organized today, in front of the Municipality buildings in Sarajevo, a protest against the killing of dogs and, as they say, illegal activities carried out by the “Lokom” company. About 200 animal lovers attended the demonstation. (fra Tony, Goga and Matea attented the demonstration)

Recently the Major of the local Council of Sarajevo, on account of the upcoming Sarajevo Film festival, made a decision to remove all dogs from the streets of Sarajevo. Animal rights activists claim that the official dog pound at Prača is already full of dogs and that the dogs which are now being removed from streets are being indiscriminately killed by the dog catchers company “Lokom”.

Dog catchers’ company “Lokom”, according to activists, has been killing stray dogs illegally in the Sarajevo Canton for three years. Activists claim that dog catchers violate the Animal Welfare Act, in force since 2009, which prohibits the killing of stray dogs.

The main request from Animal rights activists is for “Lokom” to stop killing stray dogs, and to prevent illegal work of this company.

The protesters hope that dog catchers will work more transparently, and that they will remove aggressive dogs from the street, with the proof that they have bitten someone. The protesters demand that all other, peaceful dogs, should be left to live on the street until conditions are met to form small, local animal shelters.

Love and peace, fra Tony

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